Wind site evaluation

Inspection on site

The activity consists in site verification of the suitability of a given area to accommodate wind turbines, in the choice of appropriate points for the observation of the windiness and in the collection of useful elements for the layout definition.

Preliminary feasibility evaluation and elaboration of the layout of the wind farm

The evaluation of the site is carried out on the basis of Tecnogaia’s internal information of windiness and the preliminary layout is set with criteria of maximum exploitation of the potential energy, but strict in limiting the environmental impact. As a result of this process, the Customer will receive a document similar to a pre-prefeasibility, expendable from the point of view of the potential settlement and indicative of the potential energy production.

Detailed wind map of the territory (1:50000-scale map) at hub height

The activity includes the production of maps of windiness in territorial scale (1:50,000) for large geographic areas dimensionally equivalent to a province and the simultaneous delimitation of all potential existing wind sites, contained in a certain power range. The map production, performed with WAsP computational code, involves three-dimensional modeling of the concerned territory and the use of public wind data series, with the eventual integration of internal Tecnogaia’s data and/or supplied by the Customer.

Upon request, following the production of the map of windiness, it is possible to schedule a supplementary task involving surveys for research/delimitation of potential wind sites on the basis of the results obtained.

Preliminary map of windiness of the wind farm at hub height

Arranging wind data series of one or more masts located closeness an area of interest of the Customer, in order to support his decision to develop or not the site, it is possible, by applying the model WAsP, estimate beforehand with good approximation the producibility of the same. The dataset used for this activity are at disposition of Tecnogaia exclusively for internal use only and can not therefore be disclosed.

Preliminary layout of the wind farm

The preliminary design of a wind farm is a collection of information that allows the Client to present the initiative to the competent authorities. The project describes in general terms the potential impacts within the territory and explain its benefits. It also shows the main features of the standard elements making up the wind farm (wind turbines, substations, cable ducts, internal roads and access to the site, etc.) and the reasons that led to the lay-out definition, as well as the choice of models of wind turbine used. In the document preparation are taken into account the regional norms, the characteristics of the wind resource and the instructions given by the Customer in terms of installed capacity and/or agreements with landowners. It may also contain a technical/economic initiative.