Wind farm expected energy production assessment

On-site layout and verification of the monitoring

On-site inspections aimed at collecting all relevant information required for a proper assessment of the expected energy production of the wind farm (margins of layout optimization, quality and monitoring analysis, roughness of the territory, etc.).

3D model of the area

Construction of a 3D model of territorial extension appropriate and including roughness and obstructions to the wind flow through vectorization of contour lines from IGM cartography or regional CTR.

Micrositing studies

If there are multiple wind masts in site, a micrositing study is undertaken to determine the contribution of the different stations in the evaluation of the expected energy production (using wind data series of the more representative mast of the site and of longer duration; subdivision of the layout in areas of influence of the masts, use of all the masts that are considered valid and the definition of a weighted average estimate).

Assessment of the expected energy production of a wind farm

The activity, which is the finalization of the process of assessment of a wind site, consists of an estimate of producibility of a wind farm lay-out composed of certain wind turbines, in a given territory and on the basis of wind data collected in site. The quality of results is subject to proper modeling of the territory, including roughness and obstacles to the wind flow, and the proper use of the computation model WAsP. Tecnogaia procedures expect to give evidence at all steps performed in the calculation and all the choices made in complex cases, choices based on criteria of professionalism by a qualified technician. In particular, the working method adopted by Tecnogaia not only provides aseptic results, but provides the suggestion of choices and wind farm solutions, both in the improvement of the monitoring system and the distribution of the wind turbines in the area.

Layout optimization

The activity consists in the final positioning of the selected wind turbines in the site (including through inspections) and the revised estimate of producibility based on the new identified positions; such activity is the basis for the drafting of the executive project. The final positioning of the wind turbines, which is implemented on a map in scale 1:10,000, provides the existence of a basic lay-out, of estimates of producibility previously realized, the prior definition of the areas of exclusion, screening environmental identifing any inhibited areas, the prior examination of any eventual regional guidelines and demarcation of land optioned parcels.

Assessement of the expected energy production with indices of probability

Estimate of the expected average energy production (P50%) net of wind farm losses (electrical, production and energy power losses) and uncertainty analysis for the determination of the productions P75% (10), P90% (10), namely the annual expected productions having the probability of being exceeded in a period of 10 years.