A still interesting market with great potential, it is estimated that in 2050 wind and solar energy will contribute to the production of 50% of the global electricity mix.
To make an investment in this sector, a correct wind measurement campaign is essential, namely the Wind Measurements / Site Characterization (QAS) and a correct study of the design, feasibility and yield of the plant, namely the Wind Resource Assessment (VPE).
Tecnogaia has had a Quality Certification for over 13 years, right on the QAS process and on the VPE process, able to guarantee the kept under control of the measurement and production evaluation.
The Wind Measurements / Site Characterization (QAS), wind data series recorded during the twenty years of activity in this sector constitute a heritage internal to Tecnogaia, managed with the utmost respect for confidentiality in relation to its own clientele.
Wind Resource Assessment (VPE), the processing of wind data and the use of the most advanced fluid dynamics calculation software, used during the twenty years of activity in the sector, constitute the competence of Tecnogaia, to guarantee the maximum reliability of production estimates to its customers.
Wind data series
Owned active stations
And more measurement campaigns carried out by Tecnogaia personnel, not simple installations of stations
maximum height of the `` wind speed vector measurement`` with minisodar
Data made reliable because it is the result of a technical and scientific sensitivity that is still unparalleled today.
Having the opportunity to demonstrate the goodness of your project to investors is essential to succeed in the market and thanks to the quality of the anemometric data and their processing you will have an extra gear.